NEC3 - FastDraft Submission with Quote

  1. Can someone please provide some explanation when a submission (with quote) should be used or is more helpful than a standard compensation event?

  2. If the contractor have submitted something with a quote of, say, £5k, and then I DO accept it, do you then need to do a CE to formalise that, and if so does it also stay in submissions and if it does, does that mean it’s double counted?

  3. Furthermore, if the submission with quote would be declined it won’t show up in the dashboard?

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Hello NECPM,

  1. Could you provide more information on what your are submitting ? Typically you will submit quotation if a Compensation Event / Value Engineering proposal has been accepted, and your are submitting a quotation for the Project Managers assessment or a Proposed Instruction has been sent by the Project Manager. You have the communication feature for anything else, but it would be worth clarifying what your are submitting.

  2. If the Contractor has submitted a quotation, then there must be a Compensation Event / Proposed Instruction associated to it. I don’t believe there is another way that the Contractor can quote (other than general communication) but this won’t be ‘counted’ anywhere on FastDraft (Dashboard).

  3. It will show on the DashBoard, but as a ‘Not Compensation Event’ - Sorry don’t have the screen to hand at the time, but FastDraft does show number of CE’s and there status which is reported.

Judging by your question, it sounds like the NEC contract is being administered outside of FastDraft and you’re trying to merge the data, be worth checking your contract, and communication section and speak with your Contractor to avoid any ambiguity

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Hi QS007,

On FastDraft there is a section for the contractor which is called “Submission with quote”. And I’m not really sure how this could be used and when?

  1. When the contractor uses that function “submission with quote”, do I then need to have a separate CE to formalise that?
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I’ve check FastDraft and that option is available on NEC4 contracts, and relates to clause 16. Contractors Proposals.This allows the contractor to propose to the Project Manager that the scope is changed, and if accepted the Contractor can quote. The Contractor may also propose an area to be added to the Working Areas.

The Contractor or Project Manager can also propose acceleration to achieve Completion before the Completion Date. A similar query regarding proposals has been raised below.

If you were to create a Draft communicaiton, FastDraft will tell you the applicable clause so you can investigate further, but i would check your contract.

NEC ECC: Contractor’s proposal to change Works Information - NEC3 and NEC4 Contracts / General - ReachBack (

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