NEC4 engineering and construction short subcontract

The form of contract makes a number of references to Contractor’s instructions but I do not see where it states how these should be issued to be valid under the (sub)contract - eg.
In writing by the Contractor?
Verbally by the Contractor and confirmed in writing by the Subcontractor?
Does this clarification exist in the standard for?


Check clause 13 communication. Clause 13.1 specifies that writing is the the required method of communication.


Thanks campellgr,
Would you agree that confirming verbal instructions in writing would not make them valid under the contract, as the original instruction (from Contractor to Subcontractor) was not in writing - i.e. the original instruction never had “effect” (per clause 13.1), as it could not be “read copied and recorded” (it being verbal)?

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The instruction would become valid from when the written instruction is received. The last part of clause 13.1 states at the last address notified by the recipient for receiving communications but email is generally accepted as complying with this.