Is it intended that Equipment e.g. fuel bowser, generator, and indeed fuel for generators required to provide electricity to the Working Areas (site compound which has been included in the Working Areas), would be covered under Charge 41 of the Shorter Schedule of Cost Components?
If the Contractor had connected to mains supplies then the utility bills would surely be covered by the first bullet point, if they are running from temporary generators then is it fair to assume that the “provision and use” includes these items as without them it would be impossible to provide and use electricty?
I would say that it is definately not the Intention.
The Shorter SCC does not distinguish what the Equipment is being used for, only that it is within the working Areas and is not part of the People Overhead charges as listed in item 41. Thus it is reasonable to assess the compensation Event (there must be a CE for the shorter SCC to be invoked) using unit rates from a published list or as stated in the contractor’s contract Data.
Had the Contractor elected to utilise a mains supply for water and power then clause 41 may well apply. However, the Distribution of the power and water within the working Areas, if it involves any Equipment ( e.g Trafos or indeed the bowser you mention)) and people to do so would also be chargeable.