Improvement - Task Order Register with revised totals

As a contract user on the NEC3/4 TSC/TSSC it would be useful to be able to see both the original value and orginal completion date of each Task Order in the Task Order Register and also the revised value and completion date of each Task Order, so a contract user can keep track on the running total by Task Order. If these two extra fields are shown in the Task Order Register this would be really helpful.

Linking CEs to Task orders – reflecting changes to costs. If we receive a positive or negative CE we need to see the change reflected in the current value of the linked task order and also on total value displayed on Dashboard. This is required across the three contracts and for existing and any future Task Orders & CEs raised. Task Order Register currently shows the original Task Order value, but ideally they would like an additional attributes associated with the Task Order which shows the revised total of the Task Order from implemented CEs. This should ideally be shown in the Task Order register. Currently reflected on dashboard already globally in the total revised price. More work would be needed to work out how multiple Task Orders might be effectively displayed on the dashboard

Linking CEs to task orders – reflecting changes to End dates. If we receive a CE for a change to the end date we need this reflected in the TO completion date field of the relevant task order register. This is required on each contracts and for existing and any future Task Orders & CEs raised. As above but they need the revised TO shown in the TO Register, so its shows the original completion date and revised completion date. This revised date is currently shown in the “other dates” table. It would be really helpful to have this in the register directly.