Release Notes up to 2023-08-13 Contract Management (Sprint 70)

These releases contain any new features, improvements and bug fixes worked on for this period.

New + Improved

New Project Order workflow

We have created a new Project Order Workflow on the NEC4 FMC contract template to cater for the following clauses that are almost identical to Task Orders, including the option to configure the quote process on/off and/or make that process mandatory/optional:

  • Clause 19 Service Orders.
  • Optional clause X27 Project Orders

In its standard form clause 19 defines a simplified version of our Task Order process with no need for the RFQ/Quotation to be enabled but the contract is frequently amended to include a consultation/quotation process (as it has been for existing FMC customers), which we can support via our configuration.

In its standard form option X27 requires an Instruction to Quote and stipulates slightly different details to be included in the Project Order. Form fields are configurable at each stage of the process, including two additional fields required under X27, being:

  • Bonus rate
  • Bonus calculation period

Compensation Events can optionally be linked to Project Orders, in which case the impact on the Project Order price and completion date will be tracked in the Project Orders register as well as in the CE register and on the contract dashboard.

As with Task Orders, Project Order dates have been added to the Secondary Dates table and classified as such so that when a CE is associated with a Project Order the only secondary dates that can be selected are those associated with the selected Project Order (i.e. replicating the same logic that already exists for Task Orders). Dashboard logic has also been updated so that New Price appears if either Task Orders and/or Project Orders are enabled)

A new Aggregate Report has also been created named “ProjectOrder” with the same layout as the existing TaskOrder report.

We have added a few more master templates on FastDraft after requests from customers.

New Workflows

New Template NEC4 ECSC 2019 v1.0

Please note the additional comments to make you aware of before using this template:

  • If the PM decides they need to assess a CE then strictly speaking the ECSC contract says PM includes an Assessment in their reply to the quote. In FastDraft they need to reject with the reason ‘Not accepted - PM will be making an assessment’ and raise the PM Assessment separately. A warning has been added that the PM needs to create a separate PM Assessment in this scenario.
  • Not accepted - revised quotation is not valid under ECSC but we can’t currently configure that reply option off. That option will be added very soon. In the meantime, this reply option should be avoided in order to remain contractually compliant.
  • The Supplier needs to quote immediately if they notify the CE but has 7 days to quote if notified by the PM. It’s not currently possible to configure those timescales differently. That option will be added very soon. In the meantime, it’s configured as 7 days. A warning has been added to supplier notified CE’s that the quote is required immediately.

New Template FIDIC Silver Book 2017 v1.0

Please note the additional comments to make you aware of before using this template:

  • The Contract contains a number of periods within which a communication must be issued within a specified timescale. FD is only able to highlight timescales which flow from the giving of a communication. The capability to calculate a Claim due date from event awareness date will be coming soon
  • Interim Claims are not currently supported. This feature will be coming soon
  • Employer Claims are not currently supported. This feature will be coming soon
  • Additional information text box can’t currently be removed from Variations without losing the response required by date. Fix will be coming soon
  • In the event of failure to reply, FastDraft does not support this being deemed as a Notice of No-objection
  • Some registers/reports don’t currently use FIDIC terminology. Various registers include the status ‘Awaiting Acceptance’ rather than ‘Awaiting Reply’
  • Determination register refers to ‘Compensation ID’ rather than ‘Claim/Variation ID’
  • Quotation forms refer to an ‘Accepted Programme’ instead of a ‘Works Programme’
  • Contract health check refers to Tendered Total of the Prices instead of Contract Price and Planned Completion instead of current Time for Completion
  • Contract health check refers to ‘Compensation Events’ and not ‘Claims’ or ‘Variations’

New Permissions matrix

We have implemented a new permissions matrix to make clear which user types can be created/updated by which user types:

  • Applies to creating user and updating the user type of an existing user
  • Adds a new constraint that a Super User can only create a General User (or update an exiting user’s type to General User) ^^
  • This does not prevent other aspects of an existing user’s account being updated (e.g. a Super User can update a Site Administrator’s phone number without being obliged to change their user type but if they change their user type they will only be able to change it to General User) ^^

Improved Template NEC4 TSSC

We have updated our default template to correct a config error whereby the default party to notify/close defects was accidentally configured as Supervisor - which doesn’t exist in TSSC.

Improved Left hand panel functionality

The Left hand menu panel can now be pinned out and this setting will be retained for the whole session or until unpinned

Improved visibility of contract settings

Contract settings submenus are now visible by default

Improved naming of templates

For administrators and super users the “Templates” menu has been renamed to “Master” to help avoid confusion between Contract Template and Master Templates

Background Improvements

We have improved a couple of background tasks.

Improved logging for blob storage integrations in Azure*

Improved protected routes / permissions in UI and API*

Bug fixes

  • Email template wording fix replaces “Fast Draft” with “FastDraft”
  • Validation was erroneously preventing communication of a Task Order quotation with 0 in non-editable field
  • Asset field hyperlink now stays within the form field - previously it was overrunning. ^^


^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.

** Items marked with a double asterix will provide improved scalability, performance and reliability for the platform and will be rolled out in the near future.