Release Notes upto 2021-03-05 Contract Management

New + Improved

  • We have added a new feature that support bulk activating and deactivating of users across the platform. **^^
  • You can also individually activate and deactivate users at a company level. **^^
  • We have further improved the user login journey for enterprise customers on our SSO/MFA solution. This improvement will provide better information should the login process not authenticate correctly. **
    • We have updated our API documentation to use the latest web tech scripts and further improve the styling.
  • The Project Bank Accounts feature has been migrated across to the new UI. **^^


  • Fixed a bug where the currency symbol was not showing on all the grids / registers.
  • Improved the business logic to prevent users from closing an already closed Early Warning or Defect via the registers. **
  • Added additional logic to ensure contract completion dates cannot be set before the start date. **
  • We have further improved the breadcrumb navigation on the contract creation admin workflow. **


** Items marked with a double star are only available in our new UI. We are working hard to migrate all our customers to the improved user interface which provides a better user experience and improved performance.

^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.

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