NEC4 Option A Inflation

We currently have a supplier on a framework who has been awarded works under NEC4 Option A.

Option X1 is included as part of the framework and applies to the framework rates.

Can inflation under X1 be applied to an Option A price which has been awarded? Or would it be to framework rates / future CE’s only?


The standard NEC Framework contract does not have any X secondary options, so I assume that this has been amended to include X1 and an associated procedure.

I am presuming that the Prices for a ‘call off’ contract use the framework rates adjusted using X1, so is effectively ‘current’ at the date the call off contract is awarded.

Whether the Prices are subject to a further price adjustment would depend upon whether secondary option X1 is also included in the call off contract (see Contract Data part 1). Where this is the case then the calculation at X1.3 would apply and X1.5 would apply to either the pricing of, or adjustment to, CE’s.