I am working on an Option B contract. In Drawing, the pile depth range is 65-70m but only depth range 60-65m is provided in the BQ. If the PM confirms the pile depth is 63m i.e. pile depth range 60-65m same as the BQ item, should it be measured under the BQ item? Or a PMI is required to change the Works Information on the Drawing and CE is required for the change? Is the BQ item (unit rate) still valid for the depth range of 60-65m or Defined Cost should be applied for new rate?
Thank you
I would suggest:
If the drawings show the piles to be 65-70m and the BoQ item is 60-65m then there is a CE (60.6) due to an ambiguity or inconsistency.
The CE would be assessed on the basis of the change in Defined Cost + fee due to the change and on the basis that the BoQ was correct (60.7).
If the PM has instructed a length that is different to that on the drawings then it is a CE.
The assessment of that CE would be the change in Defined Cost + fee due to the change, so provided the instructions were given in good timing (eg reinforcement had not been procured) the result should be back to the bill rate.
thank you for your advice
If it is a CE and should be assessed by Defined Cost + Fee, I am not sure the meaning of “the result should be back to the bill rate”
Hi, sorry I meant that the unit rate would be valid
Thank you for your prompt reply
If the PM has instructed to change the Works Information on Drawing, i.e. the pile is confirmed to be 60-65m as BQ, even it is a CE, quantity of the pile still is to be measured under the BQ item. Am I right?
Yes, because there are 2 CEs, but the second CE changes the pile length to that included in the BoQ
Thank you.
The major concern is if there is ambiguity or inconsistency between the drawings and BoQ, information in the BoQ is deemed to be correct (60.7). As such, if the PM has instructed a change to clarify the ambiguity or inconsistency (changing the pile length same as BoQ), the BoQ unit rate remain valid.