Webinar - Adjudication in the Construction and Engineering Industries

This topic is for all questions raised on our webinar “Adjudication in the Construction and Engineering Industries”. If you haven’t already attended it, you can sign up here Webinar - Adjudication in the Construction and Engineering Industries | Built Intelligence

What’s it about?

The aim of this webinar is to learn how the industry introduced the concept of adjudication, the rules relating to the commencement and carrying out an adjudication and how an adjudication is enforced in the courts. We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of the process.

After attending this webinar, you should be able to:

  1. Understand in more detail of the Construction Act 1996 background and context
  2. Guidance on the Scheme for Construction Contracts
  3. Understand what a ‘Construction Contract is
  4. Describe an overview of adjudication

Can we have some more examples of disputes which have happened which have gone to adjudication and then had to go through to arbitration

Does the employment contract extend to self-employed? Or would this be considered a construction contract under the act? @Mike_Tiplady

Adjudication only applies to construction contracts and not contracts of employment. A self employed contract could be a construction contract if it required the employee to undertake construction works.