Release Notes up to 2023-10-15 Contract Management (Sprint 74)

These releases contain any new features, improvements and bug fixes worked on for this period.

New + Improved

New functionality on Aggregated reports

We have added new functionality to the Aggregated Reports tool to allow the user to be able to run reports for a specific Project Company.

Aggregate reports filter 4

New Asite mandatory field change ^^

On the Asite Document Search API endpoint RecordStart was made obsolete on the 30/09/2023 and was being replaced with CursorMark. This has no impact for the user.

New idle detection ^^

For security reasons one of our customers required its users to be automatically logged out of FastDraft if the user did not interact with FastDraft for a certain amount of time. The Idle Warning Time can be configured for a number of minutes, after which a warning message will be displayed to the user if they have failed to make a detectable interaction with FastDraft. For the avoidance of doubt, detectable interaction means either hitting a button or navigating between pages/tabs but, for performance reasons, not individual keystrokes in a text box.

  • If a user’s idle time is greater than the configured Idle Warning Time there will play a warning sound* and a warning message will be displayed counting down in seconds the time until automatic logout.
  • If a user’s idle time is greater than the configured Maximum Idle Time the user will be automatically logged out .

*Sound may not be played if it is blocked by the browser/user. If you feel you may have a use for this in the future - please contact .

Improved automated relations

There are several notifications in FastDraft where you can select an association to another communicated notification via drop downs. For example, on a compensation event form you could add associated Project Manager Instructions and/or Early Warnings, however, they were were not automatically linked. We have now made an improvement to automatically relate them. This means they are visible in the Relation columns on the workflow registers, and included in the relations count on the notification.

Relations Number Tab

Improved details on notifications

If a company does not have a logo - the Company name will appear on the notification instead of blanks.

Bug fixes

The following bug has been rectified:

Internal bug where Employer ID was inadvertently removed from API’s.


^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.

** Items marked with a double asterix will provide improved scalability, performance and reliability for the platform.