These releases contain any new features, improvements and bug fixes worked on for this period.
New + Improved
* New configurable quote reply options
Currently reply options are available to configure when replying to a quote in the PM Proposed Instructions workflow via the InstructionReplyOpts placeholder.
Until now this has not been available for other workflows that have a quote (i.e. PM Compensation Event, Supplier Compensation Event, Supplier Claims with Quote, Supplier Claims with Notice). A full list of valid statuses for a Quote in the Compensation Events group are available - although not all are valid when sending a quote reply, depending on the contract type.
We have now made it possible to configure a placeholder separately for each workflow that determines which statuses can be set for the quote so that on a single contract you can configure, for example, that a PM Proposed Instruction quote can’t be replied to with status 3, a PM CEN quote can’t be replied to with status 5, a Supplier Claim with Notice quote can’t be replied to with status 0 so that you can be sure of complying with the precise terms of the contract. (To view the statuses for quotes on FastDraft - look at the placeholder Quotestatuses)
This is particularly urgently required for NEC4 ECSC 2019 which uses the Claims with Quote [CWQ] variant.
The below new placeholders for Compensation Events make this possible.
- PMCENReplyOpts - Replying to a quote for a PM CE
- SupplierCENReplyOpts - Replying to a quote for a Supplier CE
- SupplierCWQReplyOpts - Replying to a quote for a Supplier claim
- SupplierCWNReplyOpts - Replying to a quote for a Supplier CE/Claims With Notice
- SupplierShortCENReplyOpts - Replying to a quote for a Supplier CE ECSC
* New custom CE periods of reply
It is now possible to customise quote/requote duration and notification/quote/requote reply periods within the Compensation Event workflow group based on the individual clause selected at the notification stage. This should be as an override by exception (i.e. if a custom config hasn’t been stipulated for a particular drop down value then the setting from Global Resources should apply (or the system default for that Resource key if a contract setting cannot be found). Where a custom period has been defined the custom value should be used in place of the contract level resource when calculating reply required dates and/or quote required dates(as appropriate). In case of resources that apply to a Quote, it will be necessary to retrieve the Type from the associated CEN record or to store that in the Quote record.
* New Contract Dashboard functionality
The Contract users list on the contract dashboard can be configured to show all contract users rather than the leads has been updated to also include the configured party names.
This can be configured by selecting the users to add to the dashboard
and selecting the relevant button - to either add or remove
* New Asite property ^^
We have added a 6th searchable property for Asite documents as requested by one of our customers.
* Improved data capture
To better support our marketing and for security and support functions, we are improving the quality of user data within FastDraft. Step one we have added a new field to the endpoint to allow us to capture each user’s Job Title. This will be a short text field and will be optional for now. For the time being, there will be no validation on this field. Additionally, Telephone is to be relabelled to ‘Mobile’ to encourage the provision of a mobile phone number. In the interests of helping to ensure this data is kept up to date, we will be prompting users to update their information and on that basis we are allowing users to update their own information via preferences. In readiness for that, we have allowed for users that would not currently be allowed to update details (other than set their email preferences) to additionally update the following:
- Full Name
- Job Title
- Mobile
We have also allowed a user with permission to create/update users to be able to update the mobile number and Job title. Restrictions are still in place to prevent the following;
- Elevating the permissions of a user to those above their own.
- Amending the username
- Amending their email address
- Amending user type [as per the original spec] of another user if the user type permissions matrix dictates they are above their authority level.
Job title has also been added to the following;
- Company User
- Company User Register
- System Users Report
- System Users Report
- Preferences [/user/y/overview]
- Create Company User [/new-company-user]
- System Users aggregate report
* Improved application of Date on Proposed Instructions
As standard, the rules for determining the response required by date for a quote should use QUOTE_RESPONSE and REQUOTE_RESPONSE as originally coded. Unfortunately, some NEC4 books (ECC, ECS, FMC, PSC, SC, TSC) introduced a new clause 65 specifically for dealing with proposed instructions, which should be regarded as bespoke handling for these contract types only.
Specifically, ‘Date instruction may be given by’ should only appear on the PM Proposed Instruction (and subsequently used as the Reply Required By date for an associated quote) if the contract type selected on the Contract Overview is one of the following:
Selecting one of the contract types listed above, the placeholder ProposedInstructionGivenDate can be hidden in the Fields placeholder, and if hidden, the standard rules for calculating the reply required date for a quote will apply.
* Improved validation on Contract Overview
When creating a contract, templates can be set up to exclude the Client party but it was mandatory to enter a lead Client User in the Contract Overview, which lead to confusion, particularly if the PM party has been renamed Client. This is no longer required.
* Improved Aggregate Reports
On the Contract Summary aggregate report, remove the requirement to stipulate a Start Date and End Date and ignore these parameters if entered.
* Bug fixes
The following bugs have been rectified:
- Recent changes to the Contract Price section appear to have re-introduced a problem whereby any null values result in the percentage change calculation displaying as NaN%. This has been corrected.
- Update API actions to correct Swagger information – (Internal)
- Project Orders – Accepting a quote and choosing to raise a Project Order (either by clicking on the prompt or via create related) the details were not being copied across from the accepted quote.
^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.
** Items marked with a double asterix will provide improved scalability, performance and reliability for the platform.