Keeping this vague as it is a rather sensitive subject.
Under our NEC3 Option A Professional Services contract, our consultant (not a designer) subs out the design work to a design firm. The Consultant has a vested interest in delaying the supply of a redesign (which was required as a result of our own error), in order to keep this activity on the critical path. This stems from the Consultant also being our Contractor under our Supply/Install Subcontract, who is experiencing many delays of their own making.
Essentially, they are taking an unreasonable time to review & supply the redesign to ourselves, despite having already been supplied these DWGs by their subcontracted design firm. This is a fairly blatant delay tactic, they have never performed such due diligence in the past and appear to be operating in bad faith.
Is there any clause within the NEC3 that allows us some protection from such harmful behaviour?