Working on an option A where the as-built measure of the works, in this case the pile length, isn’t as high as what was estimated, the piles haven’t needed to go as deep. The main contractor is attempting to re-coup this saving via a CE under 60.1(1) change in scope for shorter pile length.
I don’t believe the fact that the pile lengths have been realised as shorter is a change of scope and that if the main contractor wanted to have the benefit of the reduced measure, the contract should have been an option B. The classic, they wouldn’t pay us more if the piles had gone longer than estimated (without a valid CE) comes to mind. Our risk under option A, our reward?
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It will depend on why the piles were shorter. What dictated their length, were they driven/installed to a stated level which has been changed or have they been driven to “refusal” or to a set distance with a strata. If it’s the first reason that would be a change in Scope and a negative CE if one of the other reasons or similar then its not a CE, as you say your risk/reward