NEC4 PSC Option C 11.2 (21) PSPD Query

11.2 (21) The Price for Service Provided to Date is the total Defined Cost which the Service
Manager forecasts will have been paid by the Consultant before the next assessment date
plus the Fee

If the assessment date is the 14th of the month to suit the needs of the parties, and the Consultant’s staff payday is the last calendar o the month, would your forecast element go to the last day of the month, or up to the next assessment date, and how does it work in practice?

A contact I have inherited has been using forecast defined cost up to the next assessment date (so forecasting up to the 14th of the next month), but because the next pay day for the Consultant isn’t until the last day of the month, am I correct in thinking that is incorrect?

Kind regards

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