NEC4 ECC Option C (unamended)
Party: Contractor
- The PM holds the view that EW is the only gateway for CEs.
- The Contractor was required by the PM to submit EW Notice for CE as opposed to a CE Notice per 61.3, intended by the contract.
- All CE discussions were had in the EW Meeting
a. The Contractor is required to submit a quote along with the EW Notice.
b. Events were discussed in that meeting to agree whether it should be “flipped over to a CE”.
c. The PM approves the quote when he/she is satisfied.
d. All these data and information are managed in the EW Register and has a column titled “Date approved” for quote pricing.
- When CEs are flipped over per 3.a above, does that qualify as PM’s acceptance of a CE?
- Do populated fields under “Date approved” qualify as the PM’s notification of quote acceptance for the respective CEs?
- In summary, does recording of decisions in a register necessarily comply with Cl 13 Communication and specifically with 13.7 for separate communications?
- Are these “CEs” contractual CEs, taking into consideration that Cl 16 hasn’t been adhered to strictly?