Under our NEC3 PSC contract, for the life of the project, the staff rates used to determine the value of the prices / budgets should remain the same as those included in the head contract. Our contract includes an Indexation clause that is linked to the ONS index as a mechanism to adjust the rates.
My question is, should the annual indexation adjustment be applied cumulatively year on year or should we only apply the percentage movement from the previous year?
Hi Filipa There quite a good worked example of this in the guidance notes on page 14. My understanding is it’s the difference in each year rather than cumulative, but there are quite a few variables to consider
Hi, I have been asked to prepare the Works Information (WI900) for a scheme. I have the following so far, before I continue, I wanted to hear what you all may think to the approach, am i on the correct path. Sample below
The Contractor obtains a list of the BQQ contractors responsible for the BQQ utility works.
The Contractor prepares a strategy for colaborating with the BQQ contractors to enable it to coordinate its Contractor’s Utility works Design with the BQQ Contractors Design and works
The Contractor submits his strategy to the Employer for his information
The Contractor’s strategy identifies what information is required, when it is required and in what format
The Contractor’s strategy identifies constraints that impact his works
The Contractor submits his strategy to the Employer for his information and comment
Each time the Contractor makes a submission associated with this Works Information, the Employer may comment and/or recommend the Contractor to amend the proposed strategy
If the Employer comments or issues a recommendation the Contractor implements the Employer’s recommendation
The Employer recommendations/ instruction are not a Compensation Event
The Contractor implements his strategy
The Contractor amends his strategy to reflect the outcome of his discussion with the BQQ contractor and provide an update to the Employer to that effect in the form of a submission
The Contractor obtains and integrates information obtained from the BQQ contractor into his Designs for the works
The Contractor reviews his Designs with the BQQ Contractor and confirms they are buildable
The Contractor confirms with the BQQ contractor that the proposed (amended) design will achieve the intended purpose
The Contractor submits the Designs to the Employer for comment and his information
The Contractor’s submission includes red line drawings and full comments to demonstrate how the proposed Designs and solutions were generated
The Employer accepts the proposed designs in accordance with the Contract