NEC3 Option X1 Price Adjustment for Inflation

Using NEC3 - Option A, with secondary option X1 (Price Adjustment for Inflation).
Is it possible for the listed indices in the contract to reduce and make the PAF a negative number? In times of deflation, could a Contractor on a Lump Sum Option A submit their payment application and have it multiplied by a negative PAF ((L-B)/B) in effect having their payment application amount reduced ? If only one indices were listed in the contract for fuel and the Contractor priced at tender based on fuel being $80 barrel, if this dropped significantly part way through the contract to $40. Say the indices for fuel PAF would be ((0.4-0.8)/0.8) = -0.5. In this scenario the contractor would not achieve the contract Total of the Prices at Completion. (numbers made up for ease) - assume it’s possible to get a negative PAF. Option X1 makes no mention of a reduction in the Prices, or is this just assumed to be part of it i.e. X1 could lift/reduce prices ?

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@WilliamBrown would you be able to help with this query?

You are correct!

X1 is a double edged sword. The Contractor will get additional money if inflation is rising, but will be paid less if there is deflation. The same is true of the likes of X2 - where a change in the law can lead to a reduction in the Prices. This is entirely fair in my view.

I am working with a number of Contractor clients at the moment who are pushing for X1 not to be included for this very reason.