In the NEC4 Supply contract there is a defect correction period and a defect access period. How do these two relate to each other and does the correction period only start as soon as access is provided? If the access period is shorter than the correction period does that mean the correction period is only as long as the access period. The guidance seems to suggest the access period should be shorter than the correction period?
The defects correction period (dcp) is the time that the Supplier has to correct a notified Defect from the date of access.
The defect access period (dap) is the time that following notification of the Defect, the Supply Manager has to arrange the start of that access. Reading clause 44.3, I think the wording could be clearer as the first sentence can be read as either as above or the time that Supply Manager has to ARRANGE the access which the actual access being a different period. However, from reading the second sentence, commercial sense makes it the former.
Thanks Jon. Very helpful.
Just to clarify. The dap is the time period to arrange access to the property, not the actual time allowed at the property to carry out the repair.
Yes, correct.