NEC ECC: How do I have to show a parallel impact on the programme because of two Compensation events?

How do I have to show a parallel impact on the programme because of two Compensation events?

First Scenario:
CE 1: asbestos found (CE is accepted by employer), with impact on the critical path
CE 2: contaminated water found (CE is accepted by employer), with impact on the critical path but currently in the shadow of CE 1

My understanding:
According to clause 63.3 we have to show the impact on the programme for every compensation event!
This means we have to show the impact on the programme for CE 1 and CE2 separately!

It may happen that CEN1 is solved faster. In this case we need the assessed impact of CEN2 on the programme.

Is this approach correct?

Second scenario:
How to show the time-impact on the programme if CE2 affects CE1?

My understanding:
I have to incorporate and to explain the time-impact of CE2 on CE1 on the programme for the CE-assessment of CE1.

Is this approach correct?

With best regards,
Peter (from Germany)

Most compensation events are a forecast (see the second part of 63.1). Therefore you assess the effects of CE01 upon planned Completion, and that is how much Completion Date should move by. Then you assess the extra over effects of CE02 in the programme that already has CE01 in it, and if planned Completion moves again then that is how much Completion Date should move by this time. Both CE01 and CE02 have then been assessed.

If it turns out these CE’s take quicker or longer that has no effect on any other entitlement as these are implemented (closed).