We have an NEC4 contract with the access date listed within the contract data. We have opportunity to go to site prior to the access date, the client has “verbally” agreed to pay the defined cost for works prior to the access date.
My first question is:
How is it best to formalise the agreement to pay the defined cost for works prior to the contract access date?
Second scenario is:
The client has offered to amend the access date within the contract and bring it forward to meet the proposed access date, it’s not 100% confirmed that we will be able to beat the contract access date as it depends on roadspace so there is a risk that we may only be able to achieve the contract access date afterall. Subsequently we are reluctant to move the access date.
Second question:
assuming we leave the access date as it is, is there a risk associated with starting on site before the access date? other than the risk of payment?