Differing Values for Spare Parts Requirement

Within our Works Information there is a requirement for us (build to print Contract) to designate the spare parts requirements. We have gone back and said that it is always the designer / end user who states what spares are required. This has been rejected and they want us to estimate the spares pre contract and they will confirm this is acceptable post contract. What would be the stance if our estimate was much lower than the end users position?

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Sounds like they’re trying to get you to take the risk around what spares are required and if you’re not careful you will get caught out. Much will depend on what exactly the Works Information states, for example does it contain an acceptance process for your spares proposal and what rights does it give them to accept it or not? If they’re leaving you to decide the spares then if they later impose a constraint on you i.e. we want more or different spares then this could be treated as a compensation event for more time and / or money but whether it would be or not would come down to the exact wording in the Works Information.

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