I have a project that since the last Programme of Works (PoW) was submitted and accepted has moved ahead of schedule.
Immediately after submitting this PoW a 1 week delay was encountered as a result of a change in the works information and preparation of a CE was instructed. Since issuing the CE there has been a number of changes to the submission to meet the clients requirements. during the time that has lapsed we have gained time on the programme and more importantly the critical path.
To complete the CE all planned works had to be stopped and the gain we achieved is purely in the original planned works. given there was no programme submitted for the delay and the next time we submit our programme we will be ahead of schedule is this likely to mean the client will try to reduce my costs arguing that we had resources planned to be on site for the duration of this task and even with the CE the critical path remains unaltered hence no additional resources appear to have been needed.
Hopefully this makes sense and thanks in advance…