Service Manager doesnt want to accept programme

I am a client and have a Service Manager specifically appointed to act on a contract. The contract is NEC4 PSC Option C. The programme hasn’t been accepted for over 1 year, I really wish to get an accepted programme as I feel it will be much better to monitor change. However, the service manager doesn’t seem to want to accept the programme and said he would be in a stronger position if he didn’t accept the programme (he has legitimate reasons for non acceptance, however I feel they are getting more dubious). I don’t feel this is in the best interest of the project delivery. What would you advise? Thanks.

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Welcome RandomPerson. Nice user name.

Non-acceptance means that the SM has to do their own assessment of CEs. If that is the stronger position, I’d be concerned about how the obligations right at the start of the Contract are being met.

I’d also agree that it is in everyone’s interests to have an accepted programme. Otherwise any change that does exist doesn’t have a baseline. In that situation, how can either party conclude that an assessment is fair? This shouldn’t be a zero-sum game, we should be looking for both parties to get a fair and reasonable outcome in relation to the obstacles they have to face and their performance. The contract processes try to deliver that.

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