We are main contractor, we have a scheme to deliver and some elements of the scheme are contractor design. In order for the client to save money,they are omitting works,which in Short Form contracts is a change to the quantities in the pricing schedule. However, say for example, we have carried out some design work for s contractor design element,and before our design id approved the client and PM decide to omit that particular works package, am I entitled to then argue this should be a CE and as such dealt with by defined cost + fee %. The QS seems to believe that contractually he thinks as no physical works had commenced he can simply zero the item,with us left with nowhere to recover design costs.
The omitted work will have zero quantities when the PWDD is assessed - see clause 11.2(9). However the omission of the work may be a CE under clause 60.1(1) provided you can say that the Works Information has changed or potentially under clause 60.1(13). Through the CE you can recover any abortive cost and time in commencing the design in accordance with clause 63, however you cannot recover your lost profit.