I am the Employer in the contract and I have undertaken an audit of the amount due, particularly the time charge element and I have uncovered the following;
- The consultant self approves their own timesheets - for clarity, the individual submitting time to be charged against the contract is the same individual that approves the time to be booked against the contract.
- The consultant has booked time against this contract and other contracts that is over and above their contracted hours. For clarity, the individuals are not entitled to overtime e.g The individual is contracted to work 8 hour days and they booked 8 hours to my contract and 4 hours to a different contract.
- We have limited information other than timehseets (self approved) to verify hours worked. They may alternative of mechanisms of verifying this i.e their tap in tap out card entries.
Please can you advice the permissibility on the above and any recourse we have as the client?