NEC ECC: No Accepted Programme - OPTION B

We are currently working on 20 month project. The first programme (baseline) has been submitted and rejected by the PM under the clause 31.3. We have since issued 2 revisions of the ‘baseline’ programme (with no progress) that have still not been accepted by the PM under clause 31.3.

Currently we are 5 months into the project with no accepted programme. We are about to submit a third revision of the baseline/first programme for acceptance.

Should we submit this programme with progress updated? or is the programme suppose to be submit as a baseline no progress until accepted?

If this submission is accepted would this be viewed as the first accepted programme. Subsequent revision will be submitted with actualized progress.

You really need to get round the table to agree an original baseline programme as otherwise you will have nothing to be able to assess any change against. Both Parties should see the issue with this and want to rectify it as soon as possible. Neither party should have allowed this to get to five months without having the first Accepted Programme.

In the background I would also be doing the revised programme ready for issue as this should be the programme that you should be working to as your real management tool. You could submit this and even have this become accepted to show where you are at going forward, and then once the original gets accepted you can look to show what the changes were in that period.

You need as a matter of urgency to get both the first programme accepted as the baseline and the current programme accepted as to where you are. Then you need to maintain the accepted programmes going forward, and also do a retrospective analysis on anything that happened between the original baseline programme and the first revised Accepted Programme if planned Completion has moved in the form of compensation events.