If under our NEC3 Contract we have a programme listed in the CDP2, does this mean we have an accepted programme?

If under our NEC3 contract we have a programme listed in the CDP2, does this mean we have an accepted programme?

You need to see if the programme has made it into the signed bound contract. Just because a contract is mentioned in contract data part 2 does not mean it is any good. If the Employer is not happy with that programme it should be made clear that it is not to form part of the signed contract and should be issued within the period stated within contract data part 1.

If however it is referenced in contract data part 2 and forms part of the signed contract then yes by default it becomes the first accepted programme. It does not change much going forward however as the next programme can be rejected if it does not comply with either 31.2/32.1. The only benefit to the Contractor would be that clause 50.3 which allows the PM to withheld 25% of the PWDD can not be used after the first programme is accepted.