Many LPAs provide online payment systems for applications made on the Planning Portal. When you make an online payment, the Planning Portal calculates the fees and then provides access to the relevant authority’s payment system. If the payment is successful, the authority’s payment system sends a successful response to the Planning Portal, which will then mark the Payment section of the application as complete.
If you have paid online but the payment section does not show as complete, there may have been a problem with the payment process. If this occurs, please contact the relevant authority to tell them what happened, they will be able to check if your payment was successful and if not, recommend what action you should take. The Planning Portal is not responsible for authorities’ payment systems and is therefore unable to resolve any issues with your individual payment or the payment system in general. To complete the Payment section, you can always change the payment type to cheque payment (but not send a cheque off if you have already paid). Or you can recalculate the fee on the Fee Calculator to £0.00 using the Exemptions option. However, you should contact the LPA directly about the best option for submitting your application and to ensure this is acceptable, otherwise they may not validate your application.