What should a worker’s health record look like for notifiable non-licensed work?
Employers are required to keep a health record for each worker involved in notifiable non-licensed work with asbestos. These records can be brief - it may be as simple as writing down the names of workers on the job on your copy of the notification form, or keeping copies of the notification form for each person carrying out NNLW work as these will document the nature of the job and type of asbestos from which likely exposure can be estimated. A record could look something like this:
Worker details/ medical information
JOB dates ref number / identification or postcode/address
Estimated typical exposure to
asbestos fibre
F Bloggs Last medical:
Cert copy held?: Yes
Next medical due: xx xx xx
Invoice no 53 12/12/12 Replacement of water-damaged AIB ceiling tiles
3 tiles to be replaced – well below control limit and job meets criteria of short duration work
First job like this we ever did was measured by air sampling and confirmed low
D Grime
Last medical
S Tidy
P Diligent
W Smith
next staff list for next job
Next job dates etc
These records should be kept for 40 years (and offered to HSE or the individuals concerned should the business cease trading). You can also use copies of the notifications you submit as the basis for the records, perhaps adding the names of the workers on that job and typical exposures expected or measured (if an unusual job).