What guidance is available for construction of timber frame buildings?

Some guidance is available in HSG 168 Fire Safety in Construction (ISBN 978 0 7176 6345 3).

The UK Timber Frame Association produce a range of guidance topics including a publication “16 Steps to Fire Safety on Timber Frame Construction sites”.

On larger projects insurance companies may require compliance with standards set out in [Fire prevention on construction sites:Joint Code of Practice 7th Edition (ISBN 978 1 9027 9064 0) ](https://www.thefpa.co.uk/FPA_Home/).

Careful consideration needs to be given to evaluating both the on site and off site risks for construction of timber frame buildings at the conception and design stage. A competent fire engineer may need to be consulted. High standards of control are required to prevent/control fires and protect people during the construction phase and before the protective measures in the completed building are installed. The significant findings of the risk assessment along with the fire precautions and emergency arrangements should be written in the construction phase plan before work starts on site.