A risk assessment will be required to determine the correct work methods and equipment to be used during the work but, in addition, where biological hazards are suspected, workers should practice good occupational hygiene including:
Washing hands and forearms before eating, drinking, smoking, using the telephone, taking medication, applying make-up, inserting contact lenses etc;
Covering existing cuts and grazes with waterproof dressings and/or gloves before starting work. If cuts and grazes occur during work, wash immediately with soap and running water and apply a waterproof dressing;
Taking rest breaks and meal breaks away from the main work area;
Avoiding hand-mouth or hand-eye contact when in contaminated areas. For example, workers should not put pens/pencils in the mouth; and
Disposing of all contaminated waste safely;
Areas for storage of clean and contaminated equipment must be kept apart and separate from eating facilities. Provision of suitable washing facilities and good hygiene measures, such as those described above, can be sufficient to control the risk of infection on some sites, depending on the hazards present.