This release contains a few improvements and bug fixes. We are also working on new features that will be announced in the coming months.
* New + Improved
* New Relationship chain
We have introduced the capability to view a register of all related notices in the chain. This will show all of the relations plus any associated replies, associated quotes and any replies to those quotes) with each entry on a separate row)
* New functionality for export downloads
Automated exports of contracts have been available for some time on all instances of FastDraft, whether dedicated or on our managed platform. Exports are created by our support team for our customers on out managed instance(for a fee). However, there is currently no convenient way of securely transferring that zip file once it’s available. It is now possible to select specific users to be granted access on a case by case basis as and when required. We have added a checkbox selector column and a new button to the Contract Users page to allow Admin users to grant access to the Exports menu for the purposes of downloading the exported contract
* New tag category
We have added a New Security Groups tag category which has also been added to the Contract Summary aggregate report.
* Improved Actions Register
On the exported Actions Register, we have added a hyperlink to each Task and Complete/Edit/Delete links (where applicable).
* Improved notification message
In order to avoid confusion, we have removed the reference to the recipient in the pop-up windows from all Communication confirmation dialogs. In some cases, there is a contractual obligation to communicate to more than one party and some clauses have different replying parties for particular clauses (which we can configure in the contract template).
* Improved performance
We continually monitor the performance of major workflows and registers within FastDraft and have made some improvements.
* Bug fixes
Error message when attempting to export a contract after changing its state
Corrections on error message (Project Orders)
Corrections on error message (Task Orders)
ITQ Quotation was still showing as requiring a reply after ITQ process has ended (Project Order has been issued)
RFQ Quotation was still showing as requiring a reply after RFQ process has ended (Task Order has been issued)
*** Updated NEC Master Templates**
The Master templates have been updated to include the latest defaults in line with our updated default NEC master templates.