NEC4 ECSC - Defined Cost of People preparing quotation

I’m managing an NEC4 ECSC Contract and the Contractor has included time for preparing quotations as part of their CE Quotation.

I understand that claiming for such costs aren’t specifically excluded from the Contract, however, the PM’s are not actually located on the site, so whilst assessing against defined cost per 11.2(6), they should not be included in the Defined Cost calculation.

On the above basis, technically they shouldn’t be claiming for these Costs. Is there a mechanism in which they can?

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Can anyone help?

I understand there is a specific CE clause under ECC should a quotation not be accepted, but this insn’t explicitly stated in the ECSC.


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@chriscorr @Neil_Earnshaw @Barry_Trebes can you help with this NEC4 ECSC question?

As you say, they shouldn’t be claiming for their costs in preparing their CE Quotation. There is also no standard mechanism for that, however the NEC drafters did appreciate that those preparing said CEQs might be working outside of the Working Areas and therefore wrote this amendment which could be incorporated into an NEC4 ECS (perhaps any NEC form). Hope this helps.