NEC3 ECC: Proposed quote now instructed under clause 60.1(1)

We previously received an instruction to submit a quotation only for an additional scope of work package which had its own separate works information and clearly stated that this instruction was to provide a quote only. Subsequent to this submission we have received a PMI under clause 14.3 and 60.1 (1) whereby we are instructed to omit certain costs and submit a revised quote based on these omissions, based on the fact that the new revised PMI is in terms of 60.1 (1) does this mean we have been awarded the works, however nonetheless have to submit a revised quote whereby previously we were only instructed to price same ?

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It does sound like it doesn’t it, but it would be so much easier if the Project Manager uses the correct clause reference when they ask for a quotation. When they ask for a quote under clause 61.1 you are to proceed with the works. When they ask for a quote under 61.2 it is a proposed quote that you do NOT proceed with in the meantime.

For the avoidance of doubt I was ask them to confirm. It is important to establish this switch point as you need to know if you should be proceeding with the works.