If you find that the information relating to your applications appears incorrect your computer may be recalling or ‘caching’ earlier versions of those pages. Some of the problems that can result from this caching issue include: Information you have entered on your form is not displaying Forms section displays as ‘Incomplete’ even when it has been completed Documentation you have added is not displaying on the Supporting Docs screen My Applications list is not showing an accurate list of your applications You receive a ‘Not Ready’ message when trying to submit the application, even though all sections are ‘complete’ If you are affected by any of these issues, you should delete your cache and temporary internet files. Read the instructions below to find out how to do this on a range of web browsers.
If you are using Internet Explorer on a Windows PC, the quickest way to ensure you are seeing the most up-to-date information is by pressing CTRL+F5.
Otherwise, please follow the instructions below:
To delete the temporary internet files and ensure pages are refreshed every time when called up: Internet Explorer 6 Click “Tools,” then “Internet Options.” On the “General” tab, in the “Temporary Internet Files” section, click the “Delete Files” button. Select “Delete Cookies.” Click “Close.” Close the window. Internet Explorer 7 Click ‘Tools’ then ‘Delete Browsing History’ In the ‘Temporary Internet Files’ section, click on ‘Delete Files’ and select ‘Yes’ In the ‘Cookies’ section, click on ‘Delete Cookies’ and select ‘Yes’ Click ‘Close’ Close the window. Internet Explorer 8/9 Click ‘Safety’, then ‘Delete browsing history’ In the ‘Delete browsing history’ menu make sure ‘Preserve Favourites website data’ is NOT checked. Check ‘Temporary Internet files’, ‘Cookies’ and ‘Form data’ (the other fields can be checked /unchecked as you wish) Click ‘Delete’ Safari 3-5 Open Safari. Select ‘Empty Cache’ Click ‘Empty’ on the ‘Are you sure?’ message Select ‘Preferences’ then the ‘Security’ tab, ‘Show Cookies’.
‘Remove All’ Firefox 2 for PCs Click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Options’ Click the privacy icon In the cookies section, click ‘Show Cookies’ and then ‘Remove All Cookies’ In the ‘Private Data’ section, click on ‘Settings’ and make sure the box next to ‘Cache’ is checked before selecting ‘OK’ Click on the ‘Clear Now’ link Close the window Firefox 3 for PCs Click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Clear Private Data’ Make sure that ‘Cache’ and ‘Cookies’ are selected Click on ‘Clear Private Data Now’ Close the window Firefox 2 for Macs Click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Clear Private Data’ Make sure that ‘Cache’ and ‘Cookies’ are selected Click on ‘Clear Private Data Now’ Close the window. Firefox 3 for Macs Click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Clear Private Data’ Make sure that ‘Cache’ and ‘Cookies’ are selected Click on ‘Clear Private Data Now’ Close the window Note: If you do not have access to amend the settings as above, you may need to contact your IT department to request that your cache is cleared.