As a client, what should I be looking for as suitable arrangements for managing the project?

You will need suitable arrangements to ensure:

	clarity of roles, functions and responsibilities for members of the project team, so everyone knows who does what

	those appointed by you have sufficient time and resource to comply with their duties

	there is good communication, co-ordination and co-operation between members of the project team (eg between designers and contractors)

	your designers can confirm their designs (and any design changes) have taken account of the requirements of regulation 11 of the CDM Regulations (Designers’ duties), and that the different design elements will work together in a way which does not create risks to the health and safety of those constructing, using or maintaining the structure

	your contractors are provided with the pre-construction information

	your contractors can confirm that health and safety standards on site will be controlled and monitored, and that welfare facilities will be provided for the duration of the construction phase

These arrangements should focus on the needs of the particular job and be proportionate to the risk arising from the work. They will mainly be made by others in the project team, such as designers and contractors. Before they start work, a good way of checking is to ask the relevant members of the team to explain their arrangements, or to ask for examples of how they will manage these issues during the life of the project. When discussing roles and responsibilities on simple projects all that may be needed is a simple list of who does what.